Feeling Suicidal? How to Overcome Suicidal thought?

“I personally don't think about jumping because things can't possibly get worse... To the contrary, I contemplate it because I believe things probably will.”
― Tyler Knight, Burn My Shadow

Research say , for every 1 suicide 25 people make an attempt.which indicates that the overcoming suicidal thoughts is equally important to preventing suicide. There can be multiple factors responsible for suicidal thoughts including:

  • Poor physical and mental health.
  • A history of violence.
  • A family history of suicide.
  • Having weapons in your home.
  • Having recently been released from a long stay in prison or jail.
  • Hanging out with others who talk about suicide or encourage you to take your own life.
  • Traumatic events.
  • Inability to take pain
  • Over-sensitiveness
  • Feeling unwanted
  • Feeling empty –no direction to life

What one needs to realise is that the pain and the problems are temporary but suicide is permanent. Having suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming and frightening. It can be very difficult to know what to do and how to cope. You may feel very depressed or anxious or you may just feel really bad and not know what the feelings are.

Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts & Ideations
  • Recognize suicidal thoughts
    Accept and recognize that you are having suicidal ideations and don’t try to ignore them or push them away as that will just cause it to aggravate. This is the most necessary tool to overcome suicidal thoughts
  • Share the suicidal thoughts with someone
    Sharing about how you feeling itself is a very effective way of releasing the pressure and helps in passing across that impulsive thought. You can communicate about these thoughts with someone you confide in . It could be your friends, family ,loved one or even a therapist or counsellor. Don’t let the feeling of shame, guilt, embarrassment overpower you and restrain you from sharing these thoughts. If you find it difficult to talk about it , try writing it down and handing a note to the person you trust. Or send them an email or text and sit with them while they read it
  • Prepare a safety plan
    Cultivate a set of steps that you can follow during a suicidal crisis. It should include contact numbers for your doctor or therapist, as well as friends and family members who will help in an emergency.
  • Avoid Substance abuse
    It is very important to note that one must avoid any kind of substance abuse while one is getting suicidal thoughts as they would just make him more impulsive and aggravate your depression. They would also hamper your problem-solving capabilities and might result in taking an impetuous decision
  • Balanced diet and Sufficient sleep
    It is very important to maintain a balanced diet and sleep well in order to overcome suicidal thoughts. Lack of sleep fills in a lot of negative thoughts and toxins which would lead to more helplessness and lack of meaning in life .
  • Build up your self-esteem
    Most of the suicidal thoughts come up from feeling hopeless and unworthy. Think about all the good qualities you possess and specify on all the achievements and good opportunities you have experienced in Life. In the ups and downs of life when you ponder you will definitely be able to think about some traits within yourself or some meaningful relationships that you have formed which help you understand your worth and meaningfulness of your living.
  • Reach out for help
    There are various counselling centres and therapists who are willing to help you overcome your suicidal thoughts. Talking therapy and various other psychological interventions may help you deal better with your suicidal ideations .
  • Medications
    A combination of medication and therapy is useful in certain cases of severe depression and personality disorders leading one to suicidal tendencies. Anti –depressants could be one example of medication prescribed.
  • Develop new activities or interests
    Follow your hobbies or practice any form of art or sport that interests you. This will help you in diverting your mind into something that brings you happiness and would also increase your self confidence while you follow your passion.
  • Use your senses & Relax your Muscles
    The added senses you concentrate on the more it will be easier for you to shift your focus from negative thoughts and get back to reality. It would also keep you grounded. Focus on relaxing your muscles. Start with your head and try to relax each muscle group working your way down (face, jaw, neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, calves, etc).

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